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Aloe Vera – a miracle from nature

For thousands of years Aloe Vera has been considered a miracle plant. In ancient Egypt it was called "blood of the Gods" and "immortal plant". The juice from this plant was well known for its effects on the beauty of the skin, health and long life. It was used by the queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra. It was also used for treatments by Hippocrates. Alexander the Great used it to treat his injured warriors. Christopher Columbus would not be without this plant on his voyages and called it "a doctor in a flower-pot". Mahatma Ghandi used it as food when he was fasting and it helped him to purify his body. 

In the last 10 years medical research has confirmed many statements and experience. Aloe Vera has antioxidant properties due to its composition (it purifies the body). It contains a balanced proportion of nutrients - aminoacids, enzymes, mono- and polysacharides, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It accelerates healing of wounds, helps with indigestion, normalizes blood pressure, supports the immune system and acts as an anaesthetic. It helps in the treatment of skin problems.

Aloe can be used internally -as a drink, syrup -or in the form of creams or sprays locally on a particular area of the body.

It is scientifically proven that its fruit contains a biological stimulant that supports fast regeneration of the skin and that prevents formation of scars.

The leaves of Aloe have the best effect.

There are about 200 species of this plant known today. Most of the substances which have beneficial effects for humans are in Aloe Vera. This species contains a high number of antioxidants which help to maintain vitality and a healthy physical appearance, including the skin.

Aloe Vera provides nutrition for the skin, increases production of collagen and elastin and stimulates recovery of the impaired tissues. Saponin contained in Aloe Vera acts as a natural cleansing agent.

The main effects of Aloe Vera are as follows:

  • detoxification; purifies the body from harmful substances
  • harmonization
  • antiallergic
  • enhancing of immunity
  • acceleration of healing of wounds and burns -without formation of scars
  • marked hydration and rejuvenation effects

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11,90 €
9,83 € without VAT
Aloe vera gel is a unique product with aloe vera extract. This herb effectively softens and soothes the skin. ...
11,90 9,83 € without VAT

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